6 Simple Steps to a Profound Spiritual Awakening
Dana Hayes ∙ Oct 25 ∙15 min read
*Before we get started, click here to download your free Soul Map PDF and follow along as you read through the steps!*
If understood and properly maintained, a spiritual awakening will change every aspect of your life for the better, and it can happen in the blink of an eye. It did for me, but it’s not always the case. Regardless of how it comes to you, there are specific steps you can implement to evoke this transformative experience with certainty as millions of others have before you.
In this post you’ll learn:
If you’re ready to experience an awakening
What a spiritual awakening actually is (it might be different from what you’ve always thought!)
The 2 main goals of conjuring an awakening
The 6 steps to experience an awakening for yourself
How to use the steps properly to get the best results
If you’re looking for a new way of living that involves less mind-made chaos and more soul-created joy, and you’re willing to do what it takes to empower yourself with a personal Higher Power as your guide, a spiritual awakening is only a few simple steps away.
On the other hand, if you’re unwilling to conceive that a Higher Power could guide you to a life beyond what your limited mind can envision, a spiritual awakening may still be out of reach…the kind of awakening you conjure yourself anyway.
You never know what grace has in store, so regardless of mindset, you may be on the road to an awakening whether you believe in the divine nature of reality or not!
Spiritual awakenings are not a reserved experience for the holiest few. An awakening is the most natural human experience as you mature from the perspective of being just a finite body and brain to becoming aware of your ineffable nature as an infinite soul.
If you think a spiritual awakening is akin to being struck by lightning, a moment where everything changes, and you suddenly transform into a being of light, love, and pure soul radiance… you actually wouldn’t be wrong 😅. That’s the spontaneous description of an awakening, but it’s not the most common experience.
The most common type of spiritual awakening is experienced over a period of time, not in a split second. For both types, the end result is the same - a profound shift in perspective from one of self-centered suffering to one of soul-centered peace. You quite literally “awaken” to the infinite existence of the higher part of yourself that’s inextricably tied to the Source of everything.
Whether you call that Source your Higher Power, God, The Universe, Universal Intelligence, etc. makes no difference. The most important part of awakening is to recognize that Source as your ultimate guide in every life situation, big or small, so you can continuously align yourself with It, Its perception of life (which is light, joy, and abundant growth), and thus, your highest Self. And this awakening and alignment with your higher self is the spiritual awakening you’re after.
The 2 main goals of a spiritual awakening are to:
Shift your perspective (spontaneously or over time) from self-centered suffering to soul-centered peace and…
Maintain that soulful perspective by taking daily spiritual action so that every aspect of your life becomes more aligned with your higher Self…
I experienced a spontaneous spiritual awakening and was given a process for maintaining my newfound connection to my higher self through a 12-step program to treat alcoholism. For the past five years, I’ve implemented that spiritual 12-step program, as well as a variety of other spiritual growth methods, and put together a simple process that incorporates what I feel most, if not all, spiritual programs for transformation suggest in order to have the experience of a progressive (or spontaneous + progressive) spiritual awakening as described above.
I believe there are 6 steps you must complete if you’re to arrive at your destination of a spiritual awakening, and I’ve put them into a downloadable PDF that you can print and fill out to make the road to transformation easy. It’s called a Soul Map and acts as a filter to purify your thoughts from self-centered egoism to make it simple to reconnect with your soul. You can download it by clicking here and follow along as I explain each step below!
1. The first step to an awakening is acknowledging that you’re trapped in your egoic mind. Your finite mind is controlling you instead of You, the infinite Soul being in control of your mind. Become aware of your own mind-made reality to dissolve these old, non-serving thought processes and the negativity that continues to build and block you from your higher self and thus, a spiritual awakening or spiritual perspective of life.
The negative thought processes created by your egoic mind’s perception of the world are your biggest deterrents to experiencing a spiritual awakening. Practicing this step along with step three is essential to clear yourself out each time a negative experience arises, regardless of how “small” it may seem. A Course of Miracles states there’s no difference in the size of disturbances, they block you from the sunlight of the spirit just the same.
2. The second step is to accept guidance from your Higher Power. Remember where your inner power comes from. The storehouse of that power is not your mind. It’s your higher self/soul. Your higher self is inextricably tied to your Higher Power (the “Source” of all power). Ask your Higher Power for guidance instead of relying on your mind, and you’ll be amazed at how much more easeful and aligned your decisions become.
Ask for what it is you desire most at this moment and allow your Higher Power to guide you there no matter how long it seems like it will take. This is not the path of instant gratification. Sometimes it’s long-delayed (or not!), but the outcome is infinitely sweeter if you can be patient.
3. Step 3 is to disempower your egoic mind to become a clear vessel to connect with your higher self and experience life as a peaceful soul instead of a chaotic mind. This step will prime you to experience a spiritual awakening. The course of action here is to ask yourself a series of perspective-shifting questions and to write the answers on your printed copy of the Soul Map PDF. The more honest, open, and willing you are to see how your mind creates your suffering, the faster you’ll be free from your inner chaos and experience peace within.
4. The fourth step is to pray for forgiveness for yourself and others. You’re already forgiven, but it’s essential that you forgive yourself and those who have hurt you in order to stay on the clear path to an awakening/shift in perspective of life. Holding onto negative baggage only keeps you from becoming aligned with your true self and Higher Power.
5. Step 5 is to meditate on your Higher Power's will instead of your ego's will. This spiritual awakening process is about becoming more aware of who and what you are and the true meaning of your life. Allowing time each day and in each situation to redirect your attention to the will of your higher self is really a time in which you intentionally ask for a portal to be open. A portal that you can walk through and experience your true self in all of its abundance…which leads you to a spiritual experience of life (aka a spiritual awakening!).
6. Step 6 is acknowledging that you’re closer to your true self and becoming more disconnected from your ego each time you practice these steps. The more you find evidence to support your spiritual experience, the more realistic it will become, the more faith you’ll build in your Higher Power and path of spirituality, and the more faith you’ll have within yourself as a human.
A spiritual experience is not a one-time event. It can happen spontaneously or over time, but the point is your light comes back on within. Your awareness of who and what you are becomes stronger than your identity of who you’ve been. You become less attached to the identity you once held from the past as you joyfully accept a fresh perspective of yourself and the world around you.
A spiritual experience is really the adoption of a spiritual perspective. And when I hear my clients say they want more; They were born for more; They want to be more of themselves again…I know the essence of what they're reaching for is this…an experience of the spiritual self and a detachment from the human self. More peace, creation, ease, and flow and less chaos, anxiety, turmoil, and negativity.
I’ll break this process down more in upcoming posts, but for now, download your copy of the Soul Map and follow the instructions each time a mind-made disturbance arises to dismantle your attachment to the false, mind-made self and become more in tune and aligned with your soul.
Do these simple practices with diligence and patience, and your spiritual awakening won’t be far behind.
I can’t wait to hear how it goes!
To infinity ♾