#21: How to release the fear of charging high(er) prices for your transformational offers (and get people to say “YES!”)

If you started your coaching business for freedom of time, the ability to travel where you want, be completely present with your family and live life on YOUR terms, your offers and their prices MUST reflect that desire.

Otherwise, how will this financial freedom that’s at the core of this physical freedom we’re discussing manifest??

You have to give it a path to follow, to materialize and become a physical reality, right?


This is where increasing your prices for your highest-level-of-access to your offers comes into play. 

When you charge a small fee of $100-$300 for 1:1 time with you, not only are you eating up the time you could be spending creating more impactful programs for many people, but you’re also eating up your creative energy to do so. 

This time-for-money trap also places a quick cap on the amount of money, and therefore spaciousness, liberation, and freedom you can create for yourself and others right out of the gate.

If you’re ready to escape this time for money trap, and offer higher level programs for higher level prices, this episode is for you. 

In it we’ll explore what it takes to believe in yourself at the level necessary to sell these increased prices, where you might get stuck, and how to move forward so you can finally build the modern day healing business of your DREAMS and charge prices that make it so.

I can’t wait for you to listen to today’s episode, let’s dive in!!



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#22: Stop crossing your fingers to get clients & tighten your grasp on the concrete energetics of calling them in instead w/ Claudelle Dorion


#20: How to escape the time-for-money paradigm & induce the high level of personal belief it takes to make it your reality