VIP 1-1 Coaching Package

3 Months

For spiritual-based entrepreneurs who are ready to heal and get clear on the direction of their business.

What’s the difference between a purpose-driven entrepreneur who knows her worth, lives in her power and stays true to her vision and one who can’t fully commit, lacks inspiration and finds it impossible to escape her own self-sabotage?

The answer is, connection.

One is fully connected to her higher purpose and is confidently making moves to become visible in her business while the other is disconnected and desperately struggling behind the scenes to get her shit figured out.

One is consistently putting herself out there in podcast interviews, Instagram posts and Facebook lives, inspiring others with her vulnerability while the other finds content creation so overwhelming she’d rather take a nap.

Trust me. I know how it feels to never be able to fully commit even though you know you were born for this online business life.

You feel like if you go all in you might make a huge mistake because what if the vision for your business still hasn’t fully come together yet and after you’ve put yourself out there you find a better direction?

If you’re worried your vision hasn’t fully evolved, then you’re right. It hasn’t.

And from my own personal experience with this issue, all that needs to be done is some inner healing work to clear the blocked channel that connects your head to your higher self (and with your higher self and boom, you’ll be on a clear trajectory to achieving your highest purpose-driven business desires.

A lack of clear direction is super common but here’s a word of warning-

You risk wasting exorbitant amounts of time worrying and brainstorming your business if you do not take action on your problem.

I know you’ve heard things like this for years from other coaches:

  • Even if you don’t have it all figured out yet, take action anyway

  • Fake it till’ you make it

  • Feel the fear and do it anyway

  • Launch, learn from your mistakes and relaunch

But I’m here to tell you to stop. Take a pause. Breathe in and out deeply. And realize that what you do doesn’t matter half as much as how you do it.

So if the work you’re doing isn’t coming directly from your soul (where your purpose comes from) people will feel that and find someone else with magnetic energy to give them what they initially came to you for.

There are likely 1000’s of people with the same offer as you. Your visibility depends on your connection to your soul’s purpose and the ability to transmit that inspired energy to your audience.

Fake it and people will know and get turned off. If you’re shit scared when selling an offer people are going to smell the fear, get scared themselves and refuse to buy. If you don’t have it all figured out before going all in, you lack the foundational structure on which your purpose-driven business needs to thrive.

My hope is that you do not fake or force anything and choose to heal your takes to connect with and live your highest purpose.

Stick with me here - what if there was a way to know for sure the path you’re on is the perfect path for you?

SO PERFECT that you never had to question yourself again and the inner essence of all your previous passion and purpose came together in one moment to form the direction for your business.

her higher self and is actively fulfilling the entrepreneurial

When you’re disconnected, nothing ever feels right. Self doubt always has the final say. And your business never fully blossoms because the foundation for it’s creation is still too weak.

How elated would you be if every time you sat down to create some new piece of content or to craft a signature program the ideas and visions just flowed. How amazing would it be if you never had to worry that what you’re putting out there isn’t good enough?

What if every time you sat at your computer to type - ideas, inspirations, and creativity flowed with ease to the front of your brain and out through the tips of your fingers.

Sitting down to craft an offer or write a post should make your heart sing and give you chills on the back of your neck.

So what’s the problem, girlfriend? Why are you the one sitting out, avoiding your work for another day and constantly readjusting what you offer?

You’ve heard that you should fake it till you make it. Just start, no matter what just get started.

But you’re smarter than that.

Intuitively you feel that something is still off and could be more aligned with you - but what? And how?

Here's where it gets exciting. Because I have been right where you are. Full of potential but slowly losing faith.

Everything you need to make this thing work is inside of you, now.

You just need access.

And in my 3500+ hours of healing experience within the past 2.5 years, healing your heart is what grants access to your soul.

When you’ve accessed your soul the ideas, information, enthusiasm, passion, joy and creativity flood in all at once.

But it might be trapped inside of your soul where it has no escape or avenue to be expressed bc as of now it’s been blocked inside unable to escape bc of all of these garbage thoughts that have been allowed to pile up from the past.

In my experience, these thoughts need to be cleaned out before a direct line of connection with new desires, inspirations, ideas and creativity can be established.

How empowered would you feel if you knew that each time you sat down to create a piece of content or a program it was going to be another win?

How monotonous does your business feel right now?

Is it like groundhog day where every time you wake up youre in the same exact situation just a different day?

How much easier and fun would business be for you if you knew without a doubt the direction you’re headed is the perfect one for you now and always.

You’d take the leap right? You’d finally go all in and launch to your heart’s desire because you would know you chose the most aligned path for yourself and where you want to eventually be

You could finally sleep at night knowing that you were going to have another glorious day of feeling the urge to create instead of so overhwhelmed you could hardly get started.

You don’t settle.

And that’s what’s going to serve you 10x going through this course. If you don’t settle on yourself, and stat hungry for the transformation you will discover your story - the one that sets you apart from the competition. The one that you can package up and sell effortlessly because it’s you!

Do you:

Question everything you create?

Lack confidence even though you’re incredibly capable?

Feel unsure that when it comes time to deliver results for your clients, you won’t?

Feel uninspired by your current business direction?

Discover a “better” idea just before each launch that keeps you stuck at ground zero?

I know exactly where you are - I was there just over 2.5 years ago before I took a leap and completed over 3500 hours of intensive inner healing work which allowed me to overcome a severe addiction to alcohol and weed, and gave me the specific breakthrough in my story I needed to help people like you have your own.